Master Rain Gardener Certification

Registration is now open for the spring/summer offering of Clemson Extension’s Master Rain Gardener course.  This multi-week hybrid course provides the knowledge and skill set needed to design, install and maintain rain garden and rainwater harvesting systems.  Rain gardens and rainwater harvesting systems assist residents with flood and erosion management, water conservation and establishment of backyard habitat.
As part of the Master Rain Gardener program, participants will learn about:

  • Rain garden site assessment
  • Soil analysis
  • Design standards and elements
  • Plant selection
  • Maintenance and more

Participants will also spend time learning about rainwater harvesting system sizing, component considerations, water use and safety measures. The program includes four weeks of online learning modules with hands-on learning exercises. The Master Rain Gardener course offers a Letter of Completion Track (online classroom only) and a Certification Track (online classroom, field session and exam). Master Gardeners will earn 10 hours of CEU’s with completion of Letter of Completion Track. The class starts May 6th.

Please visit for more information and register HERE! Any questions can be directed to Kim Morganello, Water Resources Extension Agent at